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Instructions to Authors

Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy (J Compr Pharm) is an open access online journal. JCP is a peer-reviewed journal which is mainly aims on quality of work rather than quantity, innovations than imitations.  It is an official journal of L & L Publications.  It is a bimonthly publication devoted to publish high quality research articles and reviews in Pharmaceutical Sciences. It mainly covers the articles of special interest, covering the areas of Pharmaceutical research, laboratory innovations, new improvements in technology and other related issues. It encourages issues of vital importance to Pharmaceutical education and research. The goal of the journal is to provide the quality publications and publish most important research and review articles in the field of drug development and Pharmaceutical Sciences. We welcome submissions from all the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences including

  • Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Drug Design and Development, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
  •  Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  • Health Care Management, Pharmaceutical Management, Hospital Management
  • Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy Practices, Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance
  • Bioinformatics, Regulatory Affairs etc.

We welcome submissions from all the disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences. We are committed to the prompt evaluation and publication of submitted papers. Selected papers are published online.

Manuscript Types

  1. Research Articles

  2. Review Articles

  3. Letters to Editor

  4. Case Study Reports

  5. Short Communications

Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts

Research Articles: (up to ~3500 words, including references, notes and captions, or ~5 printed pages) are expected to present a major advance. Research Articles include an Abstract, an Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion & up to six figures or tables, sections with brief subheadings, and about 25 references.

Reviews: (upto~6000 words, including references, notes and captions) Review articles should bring up the most important current topics or present interpretative and critical accounts, but not simple compilation, on subjects of general interest. They should be around 12 pages and should include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings, and an outline of important unresolved questions.

Case Study Reports: (up to ~ 2500 words including references, notes and captions or ~ 3 printed pages) present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph, up to four figures or tables, and about 30 references.

Letters: (up to ~ 300 words). Letters are subject to editing for clarity and space. Should send directly to E-mail: editorjcponline@gmail.com

Manuscript preparation:

Prepare the manuscript in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12. Title shall be in a font size 14, bold face Sentence case. All section titles in the manuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case. Standard International Units could be used throughout the text. Pages should not be numbered, manuscript should be starting with the title page and the text should be arranged in the following order:

1) Covering Letter,

2) Title page,

3) Abstract,

4) Introduction,

5) Materials and Methods,

6) Results and Discussion,

7) Conclusion,

8) Acknowledgements,

9) Conflict of interest

10) References,

11) Table and figures.

Title page

The title page should contain a clear, concise and informative title of the article followed by the names and affiliations of the authors. The affiliation should comprise the department, institution, city, and state (or nation). The Corresponding Author must indicate his or her complete mailing address, office/mobile phone number, fax number, and email address at the lower left of the Title Page.

Manuscript Structure


The abstract should not more than 250 words and should contain Aim & objectives, Material and methods, Results and Conclusion. Reviews and mini reviews also require an abstract. Abstract should not be structured. Abstract must be followed by four-six keywords.


This should be brief and indicates aim of the study and the essential back ground information. Introduction should clearly state the hypothesis or purpose statement, how and why the purpose or hypothesis was developed and why the author deems it important.

Material and methods

Please provide concise but complete information about the material and the analytical, statistical and experimental procedures used. This part should be as clear as possible to enable other scientists to repeat the research presented. The use of subheadings to divide the text is encouraged. Primary headings, Secondary or subheadings should be in bold sentence case. Third level subheadings should be in Italicized sentence Case. In case of animal/human experiments or clinical trials authors must give the details of ethical approval (Mandatory).

Result and Discussion

Data acquired from the research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be included in this section. In this part, the same data/ information given in a table must not be repeated in a figure, or vice versa. Tables and Figures should be self explanatory and it is not acceptable to repeat extensively the numerals from tables into text and give lengthy and unnecessary explanations of the Tables and Figures. Discussion should relate the results to current understanding of the scientific problems being investigated in the field.

Note: Tables and Figures should send separately, and should not be included in results section.


This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.


All acknowledgments should be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the reference section.

Conflict of interest statements

Should be declared by Authors


The references should be cited according to the “Vancouver Style”. Using this system, references are numbered in order that they are cited in the text in large brackets e.g. [1] not in superscript or subscript. For in text citation, parenthesis should be used. References are listed in numerical order at the end of the paper. A complete reference should comprise the following:

An article in a Journal

Russell FD, Coppell AL. In vitro enzymatic processing of radiolabelled big ET-1 in human kidney as a food ingredient. Biochem Pharmcol. 1998;55:697-701.

Popple EJ, Innes VA, Lloyd-hughes S, Jenkins EL, Khdir K, Bryant TN, et al. the effect of high efficiency and standard vacuum-cleaners on mite, cat and dog allergen levels and clinical progress. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2000;11:142-148.

A Book

Lodish H, Baltimore D, Berk A, Zipursky SL, Matsudaira P, Darnell J. Molecular cell biology. 3rd ed. Newyork: Scientific American; 1995.

Chapter citation

Porter RJ, Meldrum BS. Antiepileptic drugs. In: Katzung BG, editor. Basic and clinical pharmacology. 6th ed. Norwalk, CN: Appleton and Lange; 1995. P. 361-380.

In press or forthcoming

Brown RF, Bylund CL. Communication skills training: Describe a new conceptual model. Acad Med. [in press].

Web sites and online sources

Liaison Committee on Medical Education. Accreditation Standards. (http://www.jmir.org/2000/2/e9). Published May 24, 2000. Accessed April 29, 2006.

e-Health Ethics Initiative. E-Health Code of Ethics. J Med Internet Res. 2000; 2(2); e9.

(http://www.jmir.org/2000/2/e9) Published May 24, 2000. Accessed April 29, 2006.


Tachibana R, Shimizu S, Kobayshi S, et al. Electronic water marking method and system: US, 6, 915, 001, 2002- 04- 25.


Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China (2005). Vol 2. 2005: 44.

Manuscript Submission:

Authors could submit their manuscripts either online at www.jcponline.in or send it by E-mail to editorjcponline@gmail.com

Manuscript Charges / Fee:

JCP is an open access online journal, free to access, read and print. There is no pay or charge for the view and print fee for the published articles. There is no editorial or peer review fee is being charged from the authors. However, after Acceptance of Manuscript or article, the authors have to pay a nominal amount towards the publishing and maintaining the content online. The amount to be paid is as follows (with effect from January 2020):


Indian Authors

Foreign Authors

Original Research Article,

Case Study Reports,

Short Communications

Rs. 3000

US $ 75

Review Article

Rs. 1500

US $ 50

Letter to the Editor

Rs. 1000

US $ 25


ISSN 2349 - 5669